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Mr. Chairman; distinguished delegates; ladies and gentlemen,

As the mayor of the Namgu Government in Ulsan Metropolitan city, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the government of Portugal and the secretariat for hosting this important meeting in Portugal.

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It is an honor for me to be with all of you here today to share the current issues and problems with respect to whales in Korea.

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Ulsan boasts a long history associated with whales. We have an engraved rock art called the Bangudae Petroglyph, in which depicts an early whaling scene in the prehistoric age of 6000 BC. In addition, we also have an old whaling port called the Jangsaengpo. To Ulsan, Whales are considered to be its soul and root.

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Having hosted the 57th Annual Meeting of the IWC in 2005, Ulsan has shown full respect and support for the policies and activities of the International Whaling Commission.

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Jangsaengpo in Ulsan, was Korea's only whaling port since 1899 when the Korean Empire gave permission to Russia for establishing a whaling station nearby, until 1986 when the implementation of the commercial whaling moratorium of the International Whaling Commission took place.

To the residents of Jangsaengpo, whales are the means of living as well as the basis of their traditional culture.

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More than 500 mink whales were caught annually between 1946 and 1985 in Jangsaengpo. Moreover, Koreans used whale meat as a dietary staple until the 1980s when food supply was insufficient.

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However, when the International Whaling Commission adopted the whaling moratorium in 1986, whale fishing was prohibited and many whale-fishers as well as residents, to whom whale fishing was a livelihood, started to leave the town. Since then, the number of residents in Jangsaengpo decreased to about 1,600; where as it used to reach about 20,000people before. In fact, the remaining residents were mainly consisted of descendants of ancestors who have long been involved in the whale business.

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Complying with the decisions made by the IWC, these residents have preserved the local society by handling only dead whales that have been caught unwittingly in nets. In fact, we believed that whaling would be resumed in the 1990s; however, the continuous prohibition on commercial whaling has resulted in a situation where innocent fishermen have been driven to as lawbreakers.

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Honorable chairman and distinguishes delegates;

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The Appendix of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling states that any kind of commercial whaling will be prohibited from 1986 and the moratorium would last only until 1990 to provide time for and in-depth assessment of the status of whale stocks and the elaboration of a Revised Management Procedure. However, whaling has not been resumed even after 20years.

Thus, I stand here today on behalf of the residents of Ulsan, to express their heartfelt desires in awaiting for the whale resumption.

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Ulsan endeavors to retain the vestiges of its history and culture concerning whales. The annual Ulsan Whale Festival marked its 15th year in May 2009. Last year, the government designated Jangsaengpo as a Whale Cultural Zone. In accordance to it, Jangsaengpo Whale Museum was established in 2005 and the Whale & Ocean Experience Centers is scheduled to open at the end of this year. In addition, 'Whale Day' was observed for the first time in the world on April 25, 2009. As such, we have spurred the implementation of whale-related infrastructure and projects.

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For Ulsan, we appreciate our whale dietary traditions as we cherish our history and culture of whales. Whale meat is being used in religious ceremonies and regional events as well. I would like to indicate that whale has been deemed as a cultural icon of Ulsan, while promoting social cohesion and unity.

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Therefore, We would like to request your cooperation in embracing our special and precious whale dietary culture of Ulsan.

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I would like to express that Ulsan agrees with the principles proposed by the International Whaling Commission concerning the effective conservation and utilization of whales, the understanding of respective practical measures conducted by each member country, the appreciation of regional cultural diversity and marine environmental protection.

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Ulsan will do its best to protect endangered whales in collaboration with the Korean Government. Also, in accordance to the laws and regulations of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, Ulsan would like to enter into sustainable use in order to preserve our traditional whaling culture .

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Thus, we look forward to your support and encouragement for sustainable use in Korea, which contributes to maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem as well as to protect the livelihood of whale fishers.

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To conclude, I hope this Annual Meeting will be an opportunity to achieve an orderly development of the whaling industry through proper conservation and management of whales around the world.

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Thank you for your kind attention.

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